How To Help Someone Who’s Hearing Voices


When I am unwell, I hear voices.

It can be very distressing for someone who hears voices. Here are my tips:

1) Ask the person what would help

Suggest perhaps listening to a nice song, a cup of tea or go for a walk to distract from the voices. If the voices tell them to hurt themselves like overdosing in medications, or/and get something to hurt themselves, help the person remove the medications/knives.

2) Don’t make judgments

The more you judge, the less you’ll understand. Don’t think people who hear voices are ‘crazy’. They are also human beings too, who has very real and unique experiences.

3) Let them know that they are not alone

When I hear voices, I feel very lonely in my voices and thoughts. I want someone to reassure me that I’m not alone on this journey, that they are with me through the thick and thin.

4) If if gets too much, call 000

People who hears voices need emergency help too, especially when it’s getting too much. Especially if the voices tell them to end their life, and have a plan in place. The person’s safety is most important.

5) Don’t forget about your own health too

Supporting someone who hears voices can take a toll on your own mental health too. Don’t neglect your health and remember you are important on this journey too - to support someone else.


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